Behaviour policy
Copenhagen Dance Arts’ ambition is to be a good, safe and inspiring institution for everyone. Therefore, we expect that all employees, course participants, and collaborators live up to our policy of ethically and socially responsible behaviour.
Copenhagen Dance Arts’ behaviour policy is based on the requirements of the Working Environment Act and several principles that help to maintain a healthy, comfortable and safe work environment for everyone. Fundamental for the policy is that the institution does not tolerate violence, threats, discrimination, bullying, harassment, unwanted sexual contact or other behaviour of offensive or humiliating nature.
- Everyone affiliated with Copenhagen Dance Arts is responsible for creating and maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment where we show respect for each other.
- Everyone is encouraged to react to inappropriate, transgressive, or offensive behaviour.
- Everyone can feel comfortable speaking out or sharing concerns about transgressive or offensive behaviour with others.
- Anyone who witnesses inappropriate, transgressive or offensive behaviour in the institution is encouraged to discuss it with the institution’s management.
- Copenhagen Dance Arts always takes the violated party’s experience of the situation into account and commits to conducting an in-depth investigation of the situation.
What is transgressive or offensive behaviour?
Transgressive or offensive behaviour may take place in the open or surreptitiously, between two people or in groups, in a physical or mental form, verbally or digitally. It can happen in both formal and informal power structures, between employers and employees, or between colleagues or course participants.
Whether the behaviour is intentional or not, we consider any form of transgressive or offensive behaviour to be unacceptable. We are aware that offensive behaviour does not necessarily need to be an expression of ill will on the part of the offender. We are also aware that we all have different boundaries and different ways of expressing ourselves and that this can lead to a lot of grey areas that can be difficult to navigate. But we are willing to try.
- Discrimination is defined as any form of subjective discriminatory treatment based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, political views, sexual orientation, gender identification, physical or mental disability, or social background – this is not an exhaustive list.
- Harassment (including sexual harassment) is defined as physical, mental, or visual behaviour that offends a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, humiliating, degrading, uncomfortable, or offensive environment – this is not an exhaustive list.
- Bullying is defined as actions in which one or more people regularly and over a long period of time – or repeatedly in a serious manner – subject one or more people to offensive acts that they perceive as hurtful or degrading. However, the offensive acts are only perceived as bullying when the people on the receiving end are not able to defend themselves efficiently.
- Violence/threats are defined as an act or a threat that offends, frightens, pains, or harms the aggrieved party.
Actions that violate the behaviour policy could, based on a concrete assessment of the case in question, result in employment law consequences in the form of a reprimand, written warning, termination or expulsion.
If you experience or witness offensive or transgressive behaviour at Copenhagen Dance Arts
Whether you experience it yourself or witness it, we urge you to draw attention to the issue. It is the only way we can ensure that Copenhagen Dance Arts is a good, safe and inspiring workplace for everyone. We therefore ask you to contact one or more of the groups or individuals listed here.
- The artistic management
- The administration
- An employee you trust